Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good Governance in Pampanga

Good Governance & Responsible Citizenship? have you heard about it? maybe yes, maybe no! This is the advocacy of the present Governor elect of Pampanga Among Ed Panlilio. Is it being applied today? i cannot answer that for you, the best thing to do as concerned citizens of Pampanga is to be part of the changes that we want. Good Governance? this is the duty of all our elected public officials and this must be their oath. Do we see it in Pampanga today? that is for us to find out and analyze. Are the basic services being delivered, are there medicines in our hospitals, are there facilities in our public schools, is corruption still widely spread and do our leaders perform the way we expect them to. As Responsible Citizens it is our duty to participate and oblige ourselves in the development of our community. Let us not wait for the government to do everything for us. We want to make things happen, we want better future for our children, we want a peaceful productive community then let us work for it. In Pampanga today "PAMISAUPAN" or "BAYANIHAN" is being applied in every Municipality. People of the community are working together for the common good. Maybe that is what they address as Responsible Citizenship... is it sustainable? is it positive? luid ka!

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